About GP’s with Extended Roles
The RCGP has published guidance recognising the additional need for governance around GPs working in extended roles (found here), this recognises the need for suitable training, supervision, and provision of evidence of competency and ongoing professional development.
GPwER in MSK Medicine
The Faculty are currently running a pilot of the accreditation for GPs in MSK Medicine. Learn more about the accreditation.
Find out moreOver the last few years, we have been working to better define, promote and protect GPs working in extended roles, these have included:
- The creation of a standardised framework and defined career pathway for GPs wishing to pursue a career as a GPwER in MSK Medicine that was formally approved and endorsed by the RCGP in September 2021.
- Created and agreed a standardised curriculum for GPs and those working with an extended role in MSK Medicine. This informed the new Diploma in Musculoskeletal Medicine created by FSEM.
- We have an ongoing liaison and collaboration with Health Education England with members of working group involved in consultation on Advanced Practice Pathway. This has informed the approaches to the GPwER pathway and strengthened relationships with wider MSK community.
- We have a thriving diplomate members group with a wide range of members contributing to work on further developing the diploma exams, producing educational content such as the brilliant podcast series and more.
- With the impending reformation of BASEM and FSEM creating a college never has there been a better time to get involved, please contact us if you are a diplomat member and would like to get involved!
We would like to thank BASEM (British Association of Sport and Exercise Medicine), PCRMM (Primary Care Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Medicine Society), RCGP (Royal College of General Practitioners) and the MACP (Musculoskeletal Association of Chartered Physiotherapists) for their support with the development of GPwER.
Below you can access a range of resources, designed to support you on your journey within SEM.
FAI – femoral acetabular impingement
Rotator cuff tears & tendinopathy
Greater trochanteric pain syndrome
Ulnar nerve entrapment neuropathies
Bone stress injuries in the young athlete
Imaging for Bone stress injuries
Back pain in the young athlete – Ankylosing spondylitis