Raising the Bar: The Newly Revised FSEM Professional Code for SEM Practitioners

By Faculty of Sport and Exercise Medicine UK, 10 Mar, 2025 | 4 min read

The Faculty of Sport and Exercise Medicine UK have completed a comprehensive rewrite of the FSEM Professional Code. The full publication is available to read here.

What is the Professional Code?

The world of sport, and consequently the specialty of Sport and Exercise Medicine (SEM), is a fast-paced and dynamic environment. As a result, there is a strong demand for a high professional standard of the medical professionals within that SEM environment specifically.

While all doctors are familiar with the General Medical Council (GMC) guidance Good Medical Practice, SEM practitioners encounter specialist considerations, including:

FSEM Council decided that a Professional Code was required to supplement the GMC’s Good Medical Practice and offer guidance to its Fellows, Members and all practitioners working with athletes and teams in areas virtually unique to the specialty of Sport and Exercise Medicine.

The code informs the public and athletes that the best interest of the individual athlete will always be paramount should they receive medical care from a Fellow or Member of the Faculty of Sport and Exercise Medicine UK.

Why Was the FSEM Professional Code Revised?

In 2023, the Faculty formed a short-life working group, led by Dr David Pugh, began the comprehensive process to review, rewrite and redesign the Professional Code. This extensive body of work involved regular meetings, as well as internal, external and membership consultations to ensure that the new code was reflective of the high professional standard required of medical professionals within the Sport and Exercise Medicine (SEM) environment.

This rewrite was conducted as part of our continued effort to set exemplary standards across the SEM specialty and is a fundamental part of our ongoing work to ensure this quality is reflected across the board at FSEM.

We strongly encourage all members, as well as anyone who works within SEM to familiarise themselves with this code.


The Faculty would like place on record its massive appreciation for the comprehensive body of work carried out by the working group, led tremendously by Dr David Pugh.

A huge thank you to Dr Eva Carneiro, Dr Charlotte Cowie, Dr Niall Elliott, Dr Neil Heron, Dr Pria Krishnasamy and Dr Roderick Jaques, who have all volunteered their time and made significant contributions over the past two years to the rewrite.

Explore the full FSEM Professional Code here to stay aligned with the latest Sport and Exercise Medicine standards.

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