New College Update: Appointing a Steering Group Chair

The process so far
Over the last 10 years there have been ongoing formal and informal discussions about the potential for BASEM and FSEM to jointly form a College of Sport and Exercise Medicine. After a long consultation, we asked members of BASEM and FSEM to vote on the future of our two organisations and how we might best work together to further the SEM agenda in the UK. In May 2023 both BASEM and FSEM voted at our respective General Meetings, with an overwhelming majority of members from both organisations voting in favour of reforming as one College.
Since the vote, the Faculty have developed two new diploma exams, enabling the new route to membership of the College (passing all three diplomas will allow eligibility for Membership). There has also been a long and detailed due diligence process for both organisations which will be finalised in the coming weeks. The Faculty and BASEM are working closely together on several projects and the staff groups meet regularly to collaborate on these, while also helping to prepare for the new College.
New College Steering Group
We are now forming a dedicated College Steering group. The creation of a steering group is a landmark moment along the timeline of this reformation process, as it signifies a positive step taken towards the development of the new College.
The group along with staff and external support, will drive forward the reformation to one single entity and will report back to the two existing Boards. Their purpose initially will be to establish the new organisation, establish its charitable objects, register it with the appropriate regulators, establish the structure of the new Board, Councils, and Committees and start the process of establishing working systems.
Steering Group Chair
We are now looking to recruit an external Chair to help manage this stewardship group and oversee the development and implementation of the new College. This is a pivotal role within the reformation process and will enable the continued progression towards forming the new College within the planned timeframe.
The role will begin with the creation of the Steering Group’s terms of reference and appointing the appropriate members to the group – the group will be a mixture of BASEM and FSEM Board members, and other appropriate members with relevant skills or experience from both/either membership. Thereafter, it will involve helping to implement the project plan with staff and relevant professional advisors/services to transition to the new College.
To find out more about this voluntary Chair position please read here.
To apply, please submit your CV and cover letter detailing your relevant experience and interest in this role to: