About Out of the Blocks


The first five years of practice is a challenging transitional period; particularly as SEM consultants work in a variety of settings with a wide scope of practice. Out of the Blocks is a faculty initiative created by SEM consultants to support new consultants in the first 5 years of practice.

Our Focus

Out of the Blocks focuses on three key areas. Click on each area for more details:

‘Get your voice heard on a national level’

FSEM has a reputation for promoting high quality standards within SEM and has considerable influence on the direction of the specialty. The power and influence of the faculty however depends on both the number and engagement of its members. It is in the best interests of new consultants to have a strong voice within SEM. This part of the initiative provides a channel for new consultants to have their voice heard on a national level and provides an effective way to quickly canvass opinions from new consultants on a particular matter.

‘Connect, network & support’

New consultants who have recently completed training can feel isolated and lack confidence (1, 2). Understanding that others have similar challenges and discussing concerns can be reassuring. This encourages a sense of collegiality and reduces work stress. Establishing a local and wider peer to peer network, cannot only help support new consultants but facilitate continuing professional development. This can be particularly insightful for new consultants undertaking tasks for the first time such as appraisal or educational supervision. This component of the initiative encourages and facilitates mentorship through the recent FSEM position statement. See Support Networks to find out more about the peer to peer support available.

1. Beckett M, Hulbert D, Brown R. The new consultant survey 2005. Emerg Med J. 2006;23(6):461-3
2. Brown JM, Ryland I, Shaw NJ, Graham DR. Working as a newly appointed consultant: a study into the transition from specialist registrar. Br J Hosp Med (Lond). 2009;70(7):410-4.

‘Key topics that are not covered in training’

A new consultant will be competent in the main areas of practice but may not feel confident in more complex fields. They may lack exposure in other key areas such as clinical leadership, developing resilience, working in private practice, business and management. This part of the initiative takes into account the CPD needs of new consultants, which may differ from those of the wider membership. We will hold bimonthly online CPD sessions.